Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Time Flies Too Quickly So We Better RUN!

Well, well, well... seems I really did get lost. Lost in 2013! I'm hoping to find myself in 2014. Not really, I know just where I've been, where I want to be and definitely where I'm going. That doesn't just pertain to running, it's mostly life in general.

Since my last blog, I did another marathon. Little Rock, AR stole my love of running and my soul! I'll never be the same. OK, OK! Not really, but it sure felt like it! It was a rough mary & I say I'll NEVER do LR again, buuuuuuut... one should never say never. ;)

In the last however many months, I've done a lot of recovering, a lot of loving & a whole lotta livin'! In April, I had a visit from a wonderful friend & we just enjoyed BEING. Come to think of it, I don't even think we did any running. In May, I was totally shocked by visitors & we all enjoyed a very cold & rainy 10K. It was fun!!!! Fun... in a monsoon kinda way, but fun nonetheless.

To be honest, I don't know that I had many remarkable runs in 2013, but I did try a few new types of runs. I did a "trail" run race ( I don't think you can really count it as a genuine trail, but it was fun) & did my first cross country race. They were both so different from what I normally run, so that was nice. And you cannot argue with a cross country race called the Winey Bitch, which was followed by wine for freeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! My body did some recovering in 2013. I ran LR with a sprained ankle, so really I mostly hobbled the last 12 miles. I got the worst blisters I've ever had & my pride was dumped on quite a bit too. But, hey... I finished that marathon, making another notch in my proverbial belt.

In September, we went to Mexico... holy guacamole, the mother land!!!!!! We enjoyed every second we were there. We did have the intention of running there, but instead we walked, talked & enjoyed the surroundings. We snorkeled & went on a pirate ship. What happened with the pirates on the pirate ship stays with the pirates on the pirate ship. Is it time to go back yet?!

I started training for my 3rd marathon & felt icky the entire time. I got to see my wonderful friends run their 1st marathons, one ran her bazillionth & another ran her gazillionth... yes, those are the actual numbers!

Work's been cray cray and I love every second of it. I love being a part of a person's journey & their success. It makes my soul happy--- what's left of my soul after Little Rock that is...

Because I am a glutton for self punishment, I'm back in school & although I may complain, I'm secretly very excited... SHHHHHHHHHH... tell no one.

I'm so excited to run with my sissy for her 1st half marathon. I'm so proud to have influenced her, if even just a teeny, tiny, little bit. :-) I hope I can keep up! Barring injury, that is... stupid knee! Meh... I'd probably still run anyway.

In 2014, I feel refreshed, recovered, renewed! And I mostly feel loved and supported by so many wonderful friends & family. There are many avenues on the horizon for not just me, but for our family. I'm nervous to see what happens in some areas, but couldn't be more excited to see where 2014 will lead all of us.

I can't believe 2013 went by so quickly. TIME FLIES TOO QUICKLY, SO WE BETTER RUN if we want to keep up. I hope to do a better job blogging... It's almost as therapeutic as running. Almost...

Hey! Happy running y'all!