Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Runner or Mexican Day Worker?

Well, the run that I was both dreading & dreaming about has come & gone. Today’s run was neither creative, scenic, easy, very much fun, or even dreadful. Today’s run seemed to be sponsored by the letter “R” for Reptile… 2 snakes (although it’s possible one was a large string of some sort, but I don’t think so, considering its slithering movement next to me), a turtle (hey turtle! wanna race?) who may have very well beat my speed if given the opportunity and a raccoon. Yes, I know raccoons aren’t reptiles, but he was worth mentioning, as his teeth were really quite lovely…
I knew for sure this run would be damned because of my new fuel belt. I couldn’t get it tightened enough & the bottle kept slipping out of the pouch. So, I threw a mini-tantrum & stripped off the belt. This, ironically, wouldn’t be the last thing I stripped off during this run.  Because of the whole belt “issue” I had to adapt my plan. My plan was for a glorious 8 miles one direction, 8 in the return direction. Instead, I broke the run down into 4 miles out, drink, 4 miles back, drink. Rinse & reeeeeepeat…
Surely the run was not only damned because of the belt “issue”. As I was expertly running along, a man slowed down in his truck & hollered something out of his window. He then slowed his truck down, as if waiting for me to answer. With this, I took out my ear plugs & asked what he said. He wanted to know what was going on with a road construction sign. I wanted to say, “What? Do I look like a Mexican day worker?” Don’t gasp… I kind of do at this point. And I can say stuff like that, because technically, I’m ½ Mexican. And I am currently, very, very dark… Perhaps that’s what stumped him, but I think he said he thought I’d know because of my shirt- florescent pink! Maybe if it was orange. Because of that interlude & because it was 105 degrees, the shirt was stripped off. Now, with that being said, I am a fairly modest person. Yes, occasionally, I take pictures of my sunning legs, but it’s not like they’re my boobs. Mainly, I don’t take pics of those, beeeeecause, I don’t have any. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh…
Anyway, on one other run on this same road, I was offered a ride by one of Smithville’s finest. On this run, I was offered a ride by a MO State Trooper. Don’t I feel extra special! Pretty sure though, if I had accepted the ride, I would’ve been hauled straight to the loony bin, because really, no one in their right mind is running in this weather. When I declined today’s ride, I was offered water. Of course, I took it. We topless day workers need water too…
For today’s 16 mile run, I had planned on going 1st thing this morning- alarm was set for 3:30. I reconsidered at 2:00 after a dog “issue”. My plan for this afternoon’s run was took take a different route, go straight out one way & then return. None of that went according to plan. What kind of went accordingly was my pace. Having never run this distance before, I wanted to go slow & steady. That I did- FOR SURE! Slow & steady turtle… wanna race?!
I’m starving & pretty sore, so I think some dinner & ice are in order for the remainder of the evening. Happy running y’all!!


  1. A day in the life... eh, Dianna! All glamour! I forgot to mention, I was browsing through various blogspot blogs the other day, and I came across a blog that was written by a squirrel, of all things. This particular squirrel blogged about an experience he had recently. he said he was nearly trampled underfoot by someone he thought may have been a woman Mexican day worker. he said the crazy woman muttered some things under her breath that seemed very ungenerous to him, seeing as how he had nearly stomped him to death. He is preparing an ambush, so be careful!

    1. Hilarious!! Never trust a squirrel! They are sketchy, sketchy creatures. I just told D that guy kinda made me mad... lol! And that squirrel better watch his fluffy red back!;-)

  2. I saw 3 deer on Saturday. They crossed the street right as I was coming around the corner. Not as exciting as snakes, raccoons and turtles... but I don't get out much! Hot weather = boring treadmill!!!!

    1. Noooooooo! Not the dreadmill... I honestly don't know how many days I can run like this. It was super warm out!! I'm really tired now & have a bad headache. Maybe a dreadmill run is in order for me. You can take the outside. :)

  3. From one Mexican to another Mexican, great job for getting there on this extreme hot day! I won't be able to hit the roads till 5:00 AM on my last vacation day, I hope they don't try to deport me back Jackson County, MO where I was born.
