Monday, May 14, 2012

Use Only As Directed

The directions on things rang to mind today during this run. For optimal results, use only as directed. With a week off from running, my heart grew strained but my body finally had a little time to rest. This run felt so good. It was gorgeous outside, 83 & not a cloud in the sunny Carolina blue sky. My favorite time to run has always been the hottest part of the day. Knowing it would be a warm one today, I started to hydrate yesterday. I knew it would be warm & I didn’t want to get caught needing a drink, even for the short miles.
Still wrestling w/doing this Half on Sun. not wanting to think I probably shouldn't, I wanted to make  sure I paid attention to my Smart Coach & only ran the scheduled 3 miler. Setting out on this mission, I found myself quickly & happily, lost in the run. I was relaxed & felt healthy, somthing I haven't felt in a run in quite some time. My throat was a bit dry, but my minty fresh gum helped me out there. I drank up the sun & took the time to smell the honeysuckle... I couldn't help it, it was so strong today.
When I heard my time for the 1st mile, I was kind of surprised. The app lady said 9:52. Whoa! Where'd that come from. Mile 2, 9:11. Whaaaaaaat!! How's that possible? Mile 3, 9:56. Having not run in a week, I was feeling pretty proud of myself. Still AM! This was a HILLY run folks! I'm trying to get some hills in prep. for Hospital Hill in 19 days. I panicked because earlier I thought it was in NINE days!
Rest, does the body good. It may make your mind go a little crazy, but the body LOVES it! I did it right today. I put my time in & my efforts paid off in a big way. After my run, I felt pleased, energized & everything felt as though it was back from a nice, relaxing vacation. The knees felt good, the calf felt good, the heart... it felt whole.
I made sure to continue this run correctly with after run stretches. Right now my calf feels a bit tight & that damn foam roller is calling my name. I wish it would shut up! All in all though, the sun, the smells, the warm breeze, the nice old man that offered me some shade, the 4 blackberries I found (I've been looking!), those things all made paying attention to my body & my Smart Coach App worth the week's wait.
I'm not a very patient person, but I have some big goals in mind for myself. Paying attention to my body & my running tools, using them as directed will help me make the most of each run.
For optimal results, use only as directed.........................................
Happy running y'all.

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