Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Trail Running Cha-Hu

Ok, so here it is--- my first "official" blog. When I set out for my run, my mind was racing about all of the good and clever things my 1st blog would say. Now, I am wordless, thoughtless... LOL!

I have a 7 lb. tan chihuahua we call her a CHA-HU. Her name is Sister Biscuit and she is fun and annoying all at the same time. Last week, I had a day off, my first in MONTHS. I took Sister out to the a trailhead by the lake. Thinking she would hate it, I didn't have much in the way of expectations. We ended up running about 3 miles that day. Which, I think in Cha-Hu terms is like, 9! Last Saturday I took her out to the same trailhead and we tried some different trails, some very long, some very rough. She did amazing! We ran over 6 miles! When we finished up, it was all I could do not to kiss those nasty little wet eyes, that were all glazed over. This all brings us to today's run.

My mind has been racing since yesterday. As soon as I think about a run, all is calm. I pulled out the dog harness, she came running. We set out to the same trailhead, time limits do apply to today's run. That dog is INSANE! She led most of the way today, like she knew where she was going. It has been raining yesterday and today, so slosh, slosh... I took my earphone out, I only run with one when I'm alone (like that'll save me), because I liked the way her little feet sounded on the wet ground. She had her own little rhythm, like she was moshing! Who does she think she is anyway? After about 1/4 mile, we were both in sync with one another. I think she really likes this whole running thing! We aren't fast, afterall, we are both little, but it sure feels badass, especially when we came tearing out of the woods onto the paved trail. There was a person taking pics today. Sister got very territorial and did the whole, running of the bulls bit, you know, like after a dog does when the poo... I guess she is NOT to be messed with or have her run interrupted.

I just cannot get over the fact this little dog LOVES to run with me. I never in my life have had a dog as a running partner. Not for lack of trying, but it has just never taken with previous dogs. A cat one time, yes, but never dogs! I know this blog is suppose to be about MY running, but dang it, I'm just impressed with Sister, I had to relive the moments.

The Sister and I can notch our belts with 3.04 more miles of trail running. Running with a friend tomorrow on her lunch break. Hope she can impress as much as the trail running Cha-Hu has.

Shower time for us, seperately of course. Both a bit muddy, but not bad at all.

Have a great day and Happy Running!

1 comment:

  1. Bravo for the two of you - the two queens of the trails! Now, tell me more about your running cat, lol!
